MedES Clinic is located in Jerusalem. The clinic was established by and for athletes. Dr. Elad Spitzer, an orthopedist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, works with athletes to treat sports injuries and prevent future damage. The clinic also offers services to people who want to become more physically active but are need assistance in doing so due to orthopedic, cardiac or other concerns.
MedES Clinic is a unique place of healing where many of Israel’s top orthopedic, physiotherapy, nutrition and fitness instructor professionals work together to provide the patient with the best care possible. Our staff has many years of experience in working in a multi-disciplinary setting which allows them to ensure that each patient is properly diagnosed, receives the correct care and can return to full activity as soon as possible.
Specializing in the treatment of sports injuries including knee and shoulder surgeries when indicated
Providing treatments and exercises to help restore movement
Providing treatments and Heart-healthy exercises
Pilates which are specially designed to strengthen core muscles and relieve back pain
Comprehensive self-defense system that teaches leverage and technique to help prevent future injuries